Pompano Beach

Pompano Beach has new condos being built or older ones being renovated all along the Beach area. The city has spent tens of millions to update their image. They wisely focused their efforts on remaking the main public beach area into a walk friendly park atmosphere that is attracting new shops, restaurants and tourists. Cranes and new construction projects are everywhere from the beaches to the highway. The average condo in the area used to run the range of $300ks – $400ks for many years. Newly constructed condos like Sabbia Beach on the Northern part of the beach have shattered those price ceilings with condo units starting the $800ks! Older condos are boosting their image with modern color changes to buildings exteriors, new impact windows and balcony upgrades. The beaches are wide and much less crowded than most. It also offers oceanfront condos that are spaced farther apart allowing for better ocean views. I have sold many condos in Pompano Beach and can save you a lot of time looking in buildings that have challenges and steer you towards better options.